Following on the heels of the successful premiere event in 2010, Bust a Move for Breast Health is set to return to Halifax on Saturday, March 26, 2011 with none other than Paula Abdul as its celebrity fitness leader. The Hollywood pop-star and former ‘American Idol’ judge, Paula Abdul, will lead the audience to the last session of choreographed exercise sure to get the crowd dancing like there is no tomorrow.
Join over 800 courageous women and men at the Canada Games Centre this March and help thousands of Nova Scotians. This upbeat, entertaining, energizing, home-grown event will deliver a special one day fitness extravaganza with the latest fitness trends, heart-pumping music, fabulous prizes, inspiring patient testimonials and healthy snacks and refreshments.
Register by November 30, 2010 for your chance to Win a $1,000 shopping card from Mills along with VIP tickets for you and a friend to meet Paula Abdul.
The QEII Foundation and the IWK Foundation, partners hosting this event, aim to further enhance breast health services after the advances funded by last year’s event.
We believe that every participant, volunteer, sponsor and donor are everyday superheroes. There is a superhero inside all of us. Each one of us has the ability to dance, move, celebrate, advocate, raise funds, and live our lives to make a difference for breast health in Nova Scotia.
Space is limited...join the movement today!
Go to the website to make a donation!
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